
By using our service "Servers-Minecraft.com", you accept these Terms of Service.

About us

We provide a list of Minecraft servers with the ability to filter servers by version and/or modification. Also, to promote servers, it is possible to order paid services for your server. We always try to become the best, so we are ready listen to your suggestions or comments on the functionality of our system. The site administration does not have its own servers and does not change the number of votes to give preference to specific servers. Competition for all servers is equal.


By creating an account on our website, you agree to receive automatic emails containing information about account activation, password recovery, news, advertising, payments, as well as to contact you if necessary to resolve important issues.


Each registered user has the opportunity to add his server to our list (site). We are not responsible for the content of Minecraft servers and the accuracy of information about the server specified by users. If you find a server with illegal, immoral or other similar content, let us know and we will take measures to check and block such a server.


Site visitors have the ability to vote for the servers. The more votes, the higher the server is in the list (the paid service "diamonds" has priority over votes). Voting is allowed once every 24 hours per server. The voice is valid for 30 days, after which it will be removed and will not take part in sorting servers. To prevent repeated voting for the server, your IP address and other information received from HTTP headers or cookies can be used. In case of dishonest cheat of votes for the server, it can be blocked.

"Diamonds" and background color

"Diamonds" are paid points used to sort the servers in the list. For servers it is possible to use paid services designed to attract more attention and possible server promotion. We do not guarantee that after purchasing paid services you will receive more players, since other factors (eg banner, title, description, etc.) also affect engagement. But according to statistics, the servers that are in the top places usually receive more views and clicks, respectively, and more potential players. In the list, servers are sorted by the number of "diamonds" and votes in descending order. "Diamonds" have priority over regular votes (for example, a server with 1 "diamond" and 0 votes will be higher than a server with 0 "diamonds" and 10 votes). The background color does not affect the server's position in the list.


It is forbidden to upload banners containing illegal, offensive or any similar content. In the event of a violation, the server and/or user (also the user's IP address) can be blocked forever.

This page was last updated on 2021-11-17